All the templates do not contain pictures and hosting.


100% full responsiveness and high-resolution graphics, the theme is easily customized to be adapted to whatever devices, which allows customers to shop even with smartphones in hand. Shoemi is a stylish theme that looks spectacular on any screen.

Shoemi offers a convenient filter category search in terms of home wear, collections, shoes, boots, and the climbing category of shoes. You can also search by colors such as red, black, silver, or white. Search by shoe size such as 7,8,9 etc. In addition, you search by brand or price, or materials filter. There is a separate best sellers category display.


+ WooCommerce template files updated
+ Fixed Auto-mapper deprecation notice works properly
+ Fixed Stretched row works properly in WordPress default themes
+ Fixed Post grid works properly
+ Plugins updated
+ Fixed plugin’s updating notifications issue.
+ Fixed Theme Panel’s reponding issue.
+ Woocommerce template files updated.
+ Plugins updated.
+ Changing slider dimensions is not possible if external url is empty.
+ Added internal hook for manipulating layer positions.
+ Minor Issue fixed in WC Products widget.
+ Target link issue fixed in Static Carousel.
+ Fixed Scroll to ID doesn’t work correctly.
+ Fixed Vimeo video’s “Tap to unmute” button.
+ Filter for changing heading tag added.
+ Fixed jQuery deprecated functions.
+ Filter for changing heading tag added.
+ Frontend editor initialization works properly.
+ URLs updated to https.
+ Plugin updated.
+ Woocommerce template files updated.
+ Dropdown menu issue fixed.
+ WordPress 5.5+ compatible.
+ Plugin updated.
+ Woocommerce template files updated.
+ Inlcuded plugin updated.
+ Release.


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You're viewing: Shoemi – Shoe Store WooCommerce Theme $67
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