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[cms_heading title=”All About Me & My Work” subtitle=”How Can I Help You !” css=”.vc_custom_1457512165932{margin-bottom: 23px !important;}”]

we’re Metrics, an award-winning digital marketing agency based in New York. Founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide affordable digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses that are looking to build success online.We’re a bit different to the average digital marketing agency in that for a set price you have access to an entire, fully qualified digital marketing team with a dedicated Account Manager, working with you to achieve clearly defined strategic objectives.

Our services span across everything from digital marketing consultancy, social media management and training, content marketing, SEO Online PR, PPC, email marketing and website design. Whatever your objectives we work with you to ensure you have the right digital marketing channels working most effectively for your business.

[cms_heading title=”Start Improving Your Marketing Today” subtitle=”With Metrics Advanced Data Analytics” css=”.vc_custom_1457404448370{margin-bottom: 23px !important;}”]

Metrics enterprise SEO and content marketing platform provides competitive insight and market analysis no one can duplicate. Analysis that reveals opportunities, supports decisions and connects your SEO tactics and strategy directly to revenue.

Reach the right prospects at the right time with the right message, talk more effectively to the prospects who are most likely to buy. Harness the complexity of SEO and content marketing to boost online visibility and make smarter marketing decisions.

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Okay, so we get pretty geeked up about this web design thing, but why wouldn’t we? When an opportunity like a new business comes strolling through your door with a vision, a dream …[/cms_casestudy][cms_casestudy subtitle_pos=”top” collapse=”vc_col-lg-6″ images=”85,84,83″ img_size=”medium” featuredimg_image=”88″ featuredimg_img_size=”full” title=”HELMETS WEBSITE CASE STUDY” subtitle=”Art of the architect” link=”url:%23|title:See%20Full%20Case%20Study|”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce risus justo, sagittis sit amet efficitur laoreet, dictum vitae erat. Donec nibh lectus, imperdiet lobortis dapibus eu, consectetur sit amet dolor. Nam finibus sollicitudin metus, maximus lacinia neque. Ut vestibulum eleifend tellus sit amet egestas. Nam pharetra, risus vitae rhoncus feugiat, felis diam cursus nunc.

Etiam vitae hendrerit est, sit amet vulputate odio. Vivamus sodales leo quis ex vehicula porttitor. Morbi quis porta quam, id convallis odio. Fusce eget nulla est. Sed sem nibh…[/cms_casestudy][cms_casestudy subtitle_pos=”top” collapse=”vc_col-lg-6″ images=”85,84,83″ img_size=”medium” featuredimg_image=”87″ featuredimg_img_size=”full” title=”COURSAT WEBSITE CASE STUDY” subtitle=”Reach the stars” link=”url:%23|title:See%20Full%20Case%20Study|”]Phasellus ut congue lorem, id eleifend ex. Curabitur vitae lobortis purus. Suspendisse suscipit nibh at mauris fringilla, et ultricies lacus dapibus. Donec auctor ac mauris quis maximus. Vivamus sodales gravida augue, et maximus lacus eleifend et. Integer aliquet ac massa quis tempus. Curabitur id aliquam augue. Integer vitae orci sem. Nullam laoreet leo eu cursus faucibus.

Integer vitae orci sem. Nullam laoreet leo eu cursus faucibus. Suspendisse volutpat feugiat dui vitae sollicitudin. Curabitur euismod leo mauris, a consequat dui sodales sit amet…[/cms_casestudy][/cms_casestudy_slider]

[cms_heading title=”What I Do” subtitle=”My Services” css=”.vc_custom_1457603023277{margin-bottom: 23px !important;}”]

we’re Metrics, an award-winning digital marketing agency based in New York. Founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide powerful digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses that are looking to build success online.

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