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[cms_heading subtitle_pos=”top” sep_type=”horizontal” no_shadow=”true” title=”Hello, We Are Metrics” subtitle=”Do More With Social Media” css=”.vc_custom_1499248584290{margin-bottom: 23px !important;}”]

we’re Metrics, an award-winning digital marketing agency based in New York. Founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide powerful digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses that are looking to build success online.

[cms_fancy_box add_icon=”symbol” i_type=”strokegapicons” i_icon_strokegapicons=”sgicon sgicon-Chart” add_btn=”link” cms_template=”cms_fancy_box–centered.php” title=”Social Analytics” description=”Metrics social media analytics give you an in-depth view of how well your social media efforts are received.” link=”url:%23|title:Learn%20more||”]
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[cms_heading sep_type=”border” cms_template=”cms_heading–with-desc.php” title=”Look At Metrics Management Platform Powerful & Awesome Features” desc=”Metrics was founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide powerful digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses that are looking to build success online.” color_title=”#ffffff” color_sep=”rgba(255,255,255,0.07)” el_class=”cms-heading-with-desc-custom”]
[cms_fancy_box add_icon=”symbol” i_type=”strokegapicons” i_icon_strokegapicons=”sgicon sgicon-FileBox” color_scheme=”light” title=”Organize your Campaigns” description=”View full Twitter conversation histories, customize contact records and share notes across your team in order to build a more complete customer profile.”]
[cms_fancy_box add_icon=”symbol” i_type=”strokegapicons” i_icon_strokegapicons=”sgicon sgicon-ClipboardChart” color_scheme=”light” title=”Monitor All your Data” description=”Dig into profile and post-level insights, as well as trends across messages and team responsiveness to better understand brand and team performance.”]
[cms_fancy_box add_icon=”symbol” i_type=”strokegapicons” i_icon_strokegapicons=”sgicon sgicon-Settings” color_scheme=”light” title=”Quick & Easy Integrations” description=”Set up autonomous groups to organize internal teams and social profile arrangements to make your unique organizational structure.”]
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[cms_heading subtitle_pos=”top” sep_type=”horizontal” no_shadow=”true” title=”Start Improving Your Marketing Today” subtitle=”With Metrics Advanced Data Analytics”]

Metrics enterprise SEO and content marketing platform provides competitive insight and market analysis no one can duplicate. Analysis that reveals opportunities, supports decisions and connects your SEO tactics and strategy directly to revenue.

Reach the right prospects at the right time with the right message, talk more effectively to the prospects who are most likely to buy. Harness the complexity of SEO and content marketing to boost online visibility and make smarter marketing decisions.

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